Rishi mishra : Urdu
Rishi mishra
Lezioni: 5
Ultima classe: 2+ giorni
 1 100% Positivo
£7.38 / €8.95 / $9.66
Prova: Gratuito
Sconto fedeltà
 Ciao, mi chiamo Rishi mishra e sono un insegnante esperto di lingua Urdu che attualmente vive in Indio. Insegno Urdu online dal maggio 2016. Attualmente sto offrendo una lezione di prova gratuita per i nuovi studenti. 
Incontrami su
Ultime Recensioni
tutor 16 mag 2018
April K
 Risha moved really quickly, which I liked. He gave great help and feedback and I feel really confident that I'll be able to get a good grasp of Urdu fairly quickly. 
Su di me - Inglese

Hello! My name’s Rishi and I’m a native Hindi and Urdu speaker from the India. I have a Bachelor’s and master's degree .

I have been teaching Hindi and Urdu for 5 years to students from all over the world. I first taught Hindi and Urdu to non-native speakers.I also tutored privately. As you can hear, I have a very clear accent and good pronunciation. I am a calm and patient person and I cultivate a warm and friendly atmosphere in my lessons. I set homework from textbooks for you to practice your reading and listening skills in your own time; therefore, during lessons with me you will only speak! We can discuss, debate, play games, and much more, through a variety of fun activities.

At the end of each lesson I will give you feedback to correct any mistakes and offer you encouragement and praise. I hope to hear from you soon! :)

Qualifiche e esperienza

I have a Master's in English & Hindi, along with 3 years post diploma in Hindi and Bachelor's degree in Education. I'm a native Hindi, Punjabi and urdu speaker and can help you with gaining fluency in Hindi, Urdu & Punjabi. I have over 5 years of experience of teaching Hindi, Urdu, & Punjabi at all levels.

For about last two years, I am doing a lot of online teaching and it has really been a fabulous experience. Starting from a few foreign students, today I have students from all across the world who took it first as a test lesson and now they are completely relying on this medium.

Metodo d'insegnamento

My Teaching Method is easy, structured and efficient. I have developed an innovative method of teaching Hindi to foreign nationals. Through this method students make progress very fast and gradually learn how to speak, read & write. All My teaching material is self created, logical and scientific.

My courses help students to acquire basic sentence making, how to converse in Hindi & English in a variety of situations & then gradually enable them greater fluency, accuracy and confidence in the written language and improving their communication skills at the same time. These Courses give the students confidence to speak with native speakers in real life situations.

Devnagari script /Roman script: For the beginners course we offer the possibility to learn using the roman script making it easier to start talking straight away.

How do I work?

Trial session: This is for me the opportunity to know you better, to assess your level of Hindi/Urdu and to set objectives together. It is very important for me to know what you enjoy doing because it allows me to plan classes according to your interests and needs.

Beginner level: I will provide you a written lesson and "homework" (practice) after the class so that you can work on what we have done and be prepared for the next class. I will try to give you both written and oral (comprehension) exercises.

Intermediate/advanced level: I will send you a preparation 2 days before the class : an article, a short video or even a movie if you want to improve your oral comprehension. During the class, I will ask you questions about it and we will share opinions. Related to the article or video, we will practice one or two specific grammar points depending on your level.

Informal Course : This class also involves some preparation. Depending on your interests, you will read an article of your choice (or watch a video) or I will send you one if you do not have time to look for it. The class will be a conversation about the topic.

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