Digital Resources
Laura Campos
Actividad | Verbos futuro simple irregulares
Description: Este material es una actividad para practicar los verbos irregulares en futuro simple | This material helps you practice future simple irregular verbs in Spanish
Laura Campos
Actividad | Verbos Presente Irregulares
Description: Este material es una actividad para practicar los verbos en presente irregulares | This material helps you practice present tense irregular verbs in Spanish
Laura Campos
Curiosidades del español | Spanish language facts
Description: En este material puedes aprender algunas curiosidades sobre el español y su importancia en el mundo | In this material, you would be able to learn about some relevant Spanish language facts as well as its importance in the world
Laura Campos
Spanish A1 common mistakes
Description: Con este material puedes evitar cometer algunos de los errores más comunes de español A1 | With this material you would be able to avoid making some common Spanish A1 common mistakes
Carmen Martín del Pino
Presente simple: verbos regulares e irregulares
Description: Review of present simple tense in Spanish.
Carmen Martín del Pino
Food and Drink
Vocabulary: Food / Vocabulario: comida
Description: Glossary about food and drink. English - Spanish

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